
5 Simple Ways To Make Downsizing A Snap

Are you thinking about downsizing?

You’re not alone. I’ve run into several people who are considering downsizing soon.

Maybe you simply want a smaller place to live so you’re selling your current home. You could be moving with a friend or significant other. Or you may just want to get rid of some accumulated items as you search for a new place to live.

Regardless of the reason, downsizing your home is not a simple process. Here are five easy downsizing tips to make your downsizing productive and hassle-free.

Begin Right Now

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Same goes for downsizing. The process isn’t a fast one. We grow attached to our belongings over the years. So don’t be surprised if this engages your emotions. Sounds strange but it could (and probably will) happen. The last thing you want is to be stressed out while paring down what you own.

Begin the process but give yourself a few weeks. Resist the urge to tackle your clutter in one weekend. As your moving day nears, roll up your sleeves and work to finish large projects room by room. Like I suggested to folks saving for a down payment, create mini-milestones and celebrate them. This can help you stay motivated and focused. Don’t forget to give yourself enough time to sell items you don’t want to toss or give away. The key is to work so you are not bringing unwanted items with you when you move.Factor in time to list and sell items of value that need a new home.

Strategize & Organize

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Start with a plan so you don’t waste time and become discouraged. Start with with a room and develop rules for your clutter. Many organizers suggest creating categories for your items:

  1. Toss
  2. Keep
  3. Giveaway
  4. Sell

Each item your touch, decide which pile it will go to. It’s important to commit to making a decision. If you are stumped, give yourself a day to decide so you can sleep on it. But remember the reason for downsizing so resist the urge to keep everything.

Go From Doubles to Singles

Are you like me? I’m going to be honest. It’s not uncommon for me to go grocery shopping only to realize I already have at home what I just purchased! When you do the same thing with pots, pans, and/or clothes, over time it could become a space problem. Especially when you’re going from a 3,000 square-foot home to a 1,200 square-foot space. When you’re downsizing, don’t hold on to multiple items. Toss, give away or sell and move on.

Love It Or Eliminate It

How do I know what to keep and what to get rid of, you ask? How about using a four letter word. LOVE.
When you are going from item to item, simply ask yourself the following:

  • Do I love this?
  • Does this make me happy?
  • Does this bring me joy?

This is the approach I recently used with downsizing my wardrobe. The size of my piles were astonishing! I relied upon the Konmari Method which centers around only keeping things that spark joy. You’ll be surprised how large your toss, give away and sell piles will become.

Place a Call (or Text) For a Helping Hand

Short on time or patience? Don’t know if you can handle it? Call in for reinforcements. There’s nothing wrong with contacting an organizing professional to help you with the task.

If you aren’t able or willing to pay an organizer, have a trusted friend assist you. It’ll be a great bonding experience and may help speed up the process. Just be sure to have the rules established upfront so there’s no confusion (and you can’t cheat).


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